Pressure Valve: Lori Frary with Cindy Niles

If you haven’t found Cindy Niles from Australia yet, allow me to introduce you to a brilliant mind, researcher, and dot connector regarding the future plans for the earth and everything in it that THEY have in store for us. No stones left unturned!

5 comments on “Pressure Valve: Lori Frary with Cindy Niles

  1. Michael James says:

    This was an excellent overview of current affairs and now I’m caught up. Thank you. It certainly is a “circus of smoke and mirrors” as Cindy proclaimed. The damage done over the decades “death by a thousand cuts” looks to be irreversible and everyone will end up doing what is right in their own eyes ……

    1. Lori Frary says:

      Thanks in return, for listening and for your comment. Non-linear warfare works well when distractions are used, pop truth gurus compete for audience, and those distractions keep people from understanding who the enemy of freedoms are. See you on faceslap! ~Lori

  2. NODZ says:

    I loved the entire conversation. Very good points and easy to understand the way you both described different examples of what may or may not happen. It sounded like you’ve been friends for a long time, but I know this is a first time, smart minds think alike. I really laughed about the standing in a restaurant with a mask, but once you sit down, covid won’t come to your table, lol. I told my wife and son the same thing. How stupid do they think we are, it is so embarrassing to even live in these stupid conditions, that so many believe. Common sense is key. Use your own mind and resources to find different ways to look at one situation, then think about it, figure out what seems total nonsense, suspicious or just plain stupid, and think of the smartest way to deal with that situation. Like you both agreed, you ain’t making this up, it is all over the internet to research ourselves. Thank you Lori and Cindy.

    1. Lori Frary says:

      Thanks so much for the great input, Nodz! For two people who had never spoken together before, it was a great conversation because we both knew so much of the same research and had come to many of the same conclusions. That made the flow go really well and honest too. Can’t beat common sense and logic! Hugs friend, Lori

    2. DC WIERZBICKI says:

      Can listen to Cindy 7 days a week.
      Never forget & never stop with the truth!!
      Many thanks!!

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